Ändrad: 2024-04-06
Ändrad: 2024-04-06
ändrad: 2024-04-06
John came to America with his mother and siblings in 1871. He was confirmed in 1877. He and Emma joined the North Branch Lutheran church in 1905 (or 1907). John and Emma had a farm in Spring Lake next to John's parents' farm. Not long after their marriage, they built a big ornate house in North Branch and began using their old home as a granary. They farmed both places, raising potatoes, corn, oats, rye and milking cows. Because of better grazing, they moved their cattle every spring to ”Gotta Peten,” the Spring Lake farm and brought them back in the fall. John was one of the first farmers to own a car and drove daily to milk the cows. He later converted the car to a truck for hauling milk cans to the creamery. John died from cancer at the age of 75 and is buried at Spring Lake, Minnesota. The 1914 Atlas and Farmers' Directory of Chisago County Minnesota shows him owning 162 acres in section 8 and 20 acres in section 7 of North Branch Township. He had been in the county for 25 years.